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Virginia Weidler Movies

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1.The Philadelphia StoryThe Philadelphia Story
from Warner Studios
Price: $14.99

Movie Review:
In 1940, Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant and Jimmy Stewart joined together to make this absolytely fantastic romantic/comedy "The Philadelphia Story." It was one of the best movies made that year. And after a row of "flops," Katharine Hepburn made her comeback. The movie received many awards including... more info

Customer Rating:
4.7 / 5.0
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2.The WomenThe Women
from Warner Home Video
Price: $16.38

Movie Review:
"The Women" is one of the bitchiest movies ever made. The opening scene in a beauty parlor sets the tone as one "friend" tells another, "I hate to tell you deah, but your skin makes the Rocky Mountains look like chiffon velvet." The politics are completely reactionary, even for 1939, as they present... more info

Customer Rating:
4.8 / 5.0
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3.The Philadelphia StoryThe Philadelphia Story
from Warner Home Video
Price: $22.48

Movie Review:
In 1940, Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant and Jimmy Stewart joined together to make this absolytely fantastic romantic/comedy "The Philadelphia Story." It was one of the best movies made that year. And after a row of "flops," Katharine Hepburn made her comeback. The movie received many awards including... more info

Customer Rating:
4.7 / 5.0
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4.Best Foot ForwardBest Foot Forward

Movie Review:
Lucille Ball, Tommy Dix, Virginia Weidler, June Allyson, and Nancy Walker star in this hilarious and refreshing story of a military school student who invites a famous movie actress to the prom.

Bud Hooper didn't know that his letter would ever be answered...but when Lucille Ball writes back to... more info

Customer Rating:
4.8 / 5.0
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