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Gigi Perreau Movies

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1.Hell on WheelsHell on Wheels
from Rhino Video
Price: $9.95

Movie Review:
Remember those classic movies with a singing cowboy? Well, this isn't one of them. This is a laughable attempt to create the singing race car driver!

I suspect Marty Robbins, crooner of classic country numbers like "Cool Water", "El Paso", and "Big Iron" got conned into this out of his love of... more info

Customer Rating:
1.0 / 5.0

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2.Journey to the Center of TimeJourney to the Center of Time
from Front Row Video, Inc
Price: $14.98

Movie Review:
Thanks to the 1967 low-budget movie Journey to the Center of Time, I now know the secrets of time travel. I'm even willing to share them with you and spare you the burden of actually having to sit through this movie. Now all of this is going to sound more expensive than it really is; if you follow the... more info

Customer Rating:
2.0 / 5.0

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3.Journey to the Center of TimeJourney to the Center of Time
from Madacy Entertainment
Price: $9.98

Movie Review:
This double feature DVD includes one of the best science fiction films, an adaptation of H.G. Wells' story "The Shape of Things to Come." This melodramatic tale, released in 1936, foresees a second World War beginning in 1940 and continuing into the 1970s, devastating the Earth. Eventually, mankind... more info

Customer Rating:
3.1 / 5.0

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4.The Man in the Gray Flannel SuitThe Man in the Gray Flannel Suit

Movie Review:
I have seen Gregory Peck in quite a few films, and he is a fine actor. Some will disagree with me, but I believe he gave the strongest performance of his career in "The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit."

The story, set in the middle of the 1950s (Eisenhower, tail fins, cowboys and indians, martinis... more info

Customer Rating:
4.2 / 5.0
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5.Dark WatersDark Waters
from Image Entertainment
Price: $22.49

Movie Review:
From the opening scenes you're engaged. Merle Oberon is the beautiful but mentally shaken oil heiress Leslie Calvin. Leslie's mental health is fragile because she and her family had to flee their East Indies home due to a Japanese invasion during the hell that is WWII. Then the ship that she sails... more info

Customer Rating:
4.2 / 5.0
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