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Deanna Durbin Movies

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1.Deanna Durbin Sweetheart Pack (Three Smart Girls / 100 Men and a Girl / First Love / It Started with Eve / Cant Help Singing / Lady on a Train)Deanna Durbin Sweetheart Pack (Three Smart Girls / 100 Men and a Girl / First Love / It Started with Eve / Can't Help Singing / Lady on a Train)
from Umvd
Price: $22.93

Movie Review:
Finaly Universal Pictures is going to release some of Deanna Durbin's movies on DVD i am certinly looking forward to her movies, on DVD, Three Smart Girls, 100 Men and a Girl, First Love, It Started With Eve, Can't Stop Singing, and her only movie in color, and Lady On a Train. Let's have more DVD'S... more info

Customer Rating:
5.0 / 5.0
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