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Betty Grable Movies

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1.How To Marry A MillionaireHow To Marry A Millionaire
from Twentieth Century Fox Home Video
Price: $13.03

Movie Review:
How To Marry A Millionarre is a movie about three fashion models who rent an expensive Manhattan apartment in hopes of marrying a millionarre. Marilyn Monroe, Lauren Bacall, and Betty Grable star as Pola, Shatze, and Loco in this romantic comedy that has delighted movie watchers for decades. The... more info

Customer Rating:
4.4 / 5.0
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2.A Yank in the RAFA Yank in the RAF
from Fox Home Entertainme
Price: $13.48

Movie Review:
A Yank in the RAF has to be the politest War Movie I've ever seen ( The devil you say!). The air combat scenes are primitive but effective for the time and there is a very good combat sequence of Dunkirk. But it's the tone of the movie that was hard to understand at first. (Cherrio, stiff upper lip... more info

Customer Rating:
3.2 / 5.0

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